THE Main nut...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

An Enjoyable show day!

Friends and Family enjoyed the Looong day at the Zainesville, Ohio show. Hubby spent time sleeping as always. Since he is sick I expected nothing less. Caught in the act again however, not in his usual location since it was so very crowded.

I worked on Mom's Christmas project till I ran out of yarn, lol. Whenever I bring extra I never need it. But let me leave it at home and bam... I do! So by 1 pm I was bored and went visiting with Lisa and Annette. I enjoyed our chat.

Plenty of time for knitting and sharing with friends for sure. Even during writing there is time for the occasional row to be finished. ;^)

Here is Annette doing just that. There is our ever hard working Lisa writing for our Judge in the 2nd show.

It's hard to get a picture of Annette not looking right at you and smiling. Since she was a Professional Photographer she can "smell" a camera lens when it points on her! lol ;^) I felt honored to catch her without a smile and working on her project.

Now a funny thing was said to me. And to bring it more life... here I go. Matthew was enjoying visiting and sharing his new friend Chrysler (aka:Rehab, to me) with EVERYONE! But as I was chatting with Lisa she commented to me "He looks like a little ol' man staring at me." So here is the little ol man that lives in the shoe... lol, I could not resist this twist!

The moment I blink this tender moment of the illusive "good child" will be gone. So I try to capture these moments when I can to help me remember WHY! I continue to fight the unending battles for and with these children.

1 comment:

  1. I look like I'm half asleep and the puppy is simply adorable.
