THE Main nut...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The traveled roads & the bumps at home...

What a glorious weekend it was for traveling! Saturday morning we left at an early 5AM. Traveling down the senic route of 77 South (final destination GA) some beautiful skies and mountains abounded with colors of the early summer, crisp clouds and sun rays.

Arriving at our first destination in Pennsborro WV we met Kevin Friend. Delivering to him his very first Dwarf Hotot Jr. Doe he was very pleased. Kevin is just starting with the Dwarf Hotot and is a fellow Lionhead breeder. We came back with a Jr. Black Doe (Scott's) and a Lilac-Tort Jr. Doe (mine) to add into the Lionhead herd. (There's a story for this little doe of mine...another post, later). We also broght two little Mini Rex back for my beautiful daughter Kathleen (who is planning her first show in Troy on the 20th of June with us). He was a real pleasure to be around and it felt like we'd known him for years. I forgot my head as I failed to take a photo with Kevin.
Our second stop on the way down took us into a "huge" (NOT! :-( ) ARBA show in Taylorsville NC. I was extreamly disappointed. So small not even a vender was there! Although, there were two or three Angora exhibitors. I do believe I saw the most gorgous tort ? SATIN I've ever seen. She had a chocolate head and a light tan (more of a cream) body and just glistened. I should have taken a picture, as that could have switched me over to the Satin's for sure. LOL I also saw the most beautiful broken Black French Doe that had won BOB on that day. Had I not been on a time frame I'm sure I would have taken the opportunity to spend more time and get their information/cards for future inquiries.
Scott handed over his beloved Majesty (Black FA Sr. Buck) to Becca's eagerly awaiting arms at our final destination for the day (our real reason for the trip!). She waited almost two or three months to get this boy. Just because of the travel thing though...
We stopped for the night in Franklin County GA. (More info. on the coinsidences of this trip will post later). Staying at a comfortable Motel 8. With a hot shower I was out and didn't even hear the "I got in safe" call from Becca at 11 pm! She ended up leaving me a message, lol.

Sunday started out with a quick bite to eat at Shoney's with a 10% discount from the Motel and off and driving again we were.

Our only stop for the day (outside of filling the rental from my son-in-law) took us to meet Alice and her beautiful daughter Sami (?) in Bethleham GA. We were there to obtain a nice Jr. Dwarf Hotot buck. We had planned on this buck for about a month or so. We almost came home with this brood only DH Jr. doe but I thought twice as I started running figures in my head for the trip back.

Coming back the skys darkened as the travels led us up 75 and into Ohio on 71N. The darkening skys brought some rain along the way (maybe a sign of what to expect at home) but still allowed good travel time. Arriveing home late after the 42 hour trip/drive we were exhausted.

Glad to be home yet frustrated as I walked into my rabbitry to find Scotty had left two of my brood does (with young Jr's) without water (for how long I am not sure). As I rushed to get them water they began fighting! How long does it take that to happen?! Other buns were low or had recently ran out but not drowning themselves at their bottles. Needless to say due to his lack of the ONLY responsibility I left him with he and his oldest brother have moved out (for now). Hopefully it'll stay that way. He's 21 and high time he make a life (hopefully) of his own! It's a shame. This is the ONLY trip Scott and I (alone) have taken since any of these boys have moved in with us.

The does have seemed to recover. And I've added some Acid pack to their water to help reduce the stresses they were under while I was gone. All buns made it through & I hope the soon to deliver Does litters do as well. Sunny should be delivering Majesty's kits by this coming Sunday... Selma should also be delivering by Monday Majesty's kits as well. This is her last chance with me. I'll then have to place her out if she does not care for them this time. Miss Phoenix is due as well on Sunday with T-Bird kits... this is also her last opportunity to stay.

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