What started out to be a simple tangled foot has ended in a 8 day old kit being culled. A hard decision it was. It took confirmation with another rabbitry to make the final decision. This tort youngster unfortunately reinforced another lesson of wool bearing breeds. The importance of making sure the dams wool is short in lengths after nesting/delivery is completed. As I'm sure many of you reading this can predict this little one got wool twisted around an extremity causing loss of circulation. For how long? Less than 12 hours. BUT ultimately TO long. The sad little ones foot (left front) had sustained damage. I took a wait and watch approach to determine the extent. Hoping that it was only bruised (such a skeptic I am). However as you can see in the photos atrophy and eventual young death was inevitable.
I've yet to grow enough to be heartless and cull swiftly, I took the cowardly way out (so I feel). I'd hung on to long and had bonded to this little "LEFTY" ; that's what makes me though.
With many tears and frustration I tucked my little tort into its' soon to be coffin and put it in the freezer where it will stay ~ quietly life slipping away as it becomes cool and falls asleep forever! Hopefully, hardening this overly sensitive heart of mine in the process.

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